Us v.s. Them
Sir Robert Peel (in the Peelian Principles) establishes that there should be no differentiation of Officers and Citizens – Only that Officers are paid to do full time what is “Incumbent” of all...
View ArticleMyths about Guns on Texas School grounds.
There is no federal or state law that prohibits a Texas school from allowing a gun on campus. Federal Law prohibits illegal guns in or near school zones. Federal Law prohibits a gun in or near campus...
View ArticleRules of Engagement
Any true military fighter can tell you that a small group of well-organized and disciplined soldiers can destroy a larger group of well-armed but poorly disciplined or organized individuals. So, let’s...
View ArticleCorona Virus and your Right to Carry
Texas Law Shield Attorneys on the Corona Virus and your Right to Carry under the License issued under GC 411 (H)
View ArticleCOVID-19 and HTLV-3
Is the Corona Virus Dangerous? Yes, it is deadly.. just like SARS, Swine flu, and several others. But why is Corona so much more of a problem? If you get it, 1% of you will die. In 1993, I...
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